Friday, February 6, 2015

10 Realities of Life After College

1) Dollar beer night no longer appeals to you-- you'll splurge on that $7 gin and tonic.

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Drinking $1 Rolling Rocks in college were pretty standard, but you're no longer a broke student so you can feel free to order something at the bar that you enjoy the taste of.

2) You have to look presentable—your everyday style can no longer consist solely of yoga pants and hoodies.

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No more rolling out of bed and going to class in whatever you wore to sleep that night. You actually have to give yourself time in the morning to get ready for the day.

3) You actually have a bedtime.

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You can no longer go to sleep whenever you want-- unless you don't mind being completely out of it the next morning for work. Odds are, you'll be so tired you wouldn't even be able to stay up if you tried.

4) Midnight is no longer the time that you leave the house to go out—it’s the time you leave the bar to come back home.

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Remember the nights you used to pregame until midnight and only then leave to go to the bar? Not anymore. You're out by 12 and in bed by 12:30.

5) Your five-drink maximum has turned into a two-drink maximum… maybe one depending on the night.

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Gone are the days of high tolerance. You're no longer a freshman who can throw back shots of Svedka, you're lucky if you make it past two vodka cranberries.

6) Ramen and Kraft mac & cheese no longer constitute as real meals.

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Basically your dinners in college consisted of anything cheap and easy to make. But now is probably the time to start including balanced meals in your diet-- although, one bowl of mac and cheese every once in a while won't hurt.

7) Naps are no longer a thing and they probably never will be again.

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You mean I have to work a 9-5 with no nap time in between!? In college, you could actually space out your classes and account for nap time....doesn't work like that in the real world.

8) Student loans.

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When you were in college, loans were merely something you didn't have to worry about at the moment. Now, they're a monthly payment.

9)  Everyone around you is getting married and having babies.

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Apparently this is the time to start getting engaged and pregnant? I missed that memo-- too soon, way too soon.

10) You don’t know where you’re going but you’re ready to sit back and enjoy the ride.

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Now is the time to get out there and experience the real world. See new places, be spontaneous and follow your dreams. Be serious about your future, but have some fun while you're at it too.

xoxo Erica

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